Lead Backend Developer

Location: New York
Job Type: Full Time

Job Responsibilities

We are looking for an enthusiastic and focused Junior Java Developer to join our ranks. Willingness to learn, strong theoretical knowledge, and good logical skills are more appreciated than any previous experience. The schedule is flexible and allows one to pursue their academic studies along with a full-time job if needed.


Job Requirements:

  • Good knowledge of OOP, data structure and algorithms
  • Basic knowledge of Java
  • Basic Database knowledge
  • Good problem solving skills, intelligence and efficiency
  • Good grasp of English, both written and spoken
  • Patience and attention to details
  • Capacity to learn and adapt
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Social Media Manager

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  • Job type: Part time
  • Salary: 1k – 1.5k

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Fronent Developer

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  • Job type: Full time
  • Salary: 4k – 7k

Kontaktni podatki

Veterinarska bolnica Slovenska Bistrica d.o.o. Trgovska ulica 1, 2310 Slovenska Bistrica

Delovni čas

Ponedeljek – Petek Sobota
7.00 – 19.00 7.00 – 12.00
Ponedeljek – Petek
7.00 – 15.00


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Dežurni veterinar za velike živali: 02 / 805 00 30
Dežurni veterinar za male živali: 02 / 805 00 36


Ačko Miran dr.vet.med. 041 / 654 295
Hren Milan dr.vet.med. 041 / 808 860
Jurak Bogdan dr.vet.med. 041 / 381 943
Pavlič Marko dr.vet.med. 041 / 654 296
Rubin Marjan dr.vet.med. 031 / 651 990
Stegne Alojz dr.vet.med. 041 / 321 593
Trajkovič Drago dr.vet.med. 031 / 654 296
Tarkuš Marko dr.vet.med. 031 / 646 924
Hohler Dejan dr.vet.med. 051 / 367 101
Ahaj Maruša dr.vet.med. 041 / 490 482
Grdja Sara dr.vet.med. 041 / 858 396