About sidebar

We make your brand stand out

We are very proud of the service we provide
and stand by every product we carry.



Technical SEO


Web Development


Meet our amazing team

We understand the success secrets of the world's
most successful business teams ever.
Luke Jacobs
Marketing Manager

Creative directors are the creative leads at advertising agencies or in-house for the marketing department of a company.

Sara Grant
Chief Executive

Creative directors are the creative leads at advertising agencies or in-house for the marketing department of a company.

Phillip Hunt
Web Developer

Creative directors are the creative leads at advertising agencies or in-house for the marketing department of a company.

Leroy Bell
Support Technician

Creative directors are the creative leads at advertising agencies or in-house for the marketing department of a company.

Success stories from our clients

We are very proud of the service we provide
and stand by every product we carry.
Excellent team 💪

“Sway Corp have been a fantastic partner in not only helping us define and optimise our core search objectives, but also in responding to tactical challenges and new opportunities.”

Thomas SmithCEO at Ritmo
Awesome work 🏆

“Sway Corp have been a fantastic partner in not only helping us define and optimise our core search objectives, but also in responding to tactical challenges and new opportunities.”

Stella SmithWeb Designer
I love Sway 😍

“Sway Corp have been a fantastic partner in not only helping us define and optimise our core search objectives, but also in responding to tactical challenges and new opportunities.”

Ernest SmithAngel Investor

Kontaktni podatki

Veterinarska bolnica Slovenska Bistrica d.o.o. Trgovska ulica 1, 2310 Slovenska Bistrica

Delovni čas

Ponedeljek – Petek Sobota
7.00 – 19.00 7.00 – 12.00
Ponedeljek – Petek
7.00 – 15.00


Dežurni veterinar je izven rednega delovnega časa dosegljiv na telefonu:
Dežurni veterinar za velike živali: 02 / 805 00 30
Dežurni veterinar za male živali: 02 / 805 00 36


Ačko Miran dr.vet.med. 041 / 654 295
Hren Milan dr.vet.med. 041 / 808 860
Jurak Bogdan dr.vet.med. 041 / 381 943
Pavlič Marko dr.vet.med. 041 / 654 296
Rubin Marjan dr.vet.med. 031 / 651 990
Stegne Alojz dr.vet.med. 041 / 321 593
Trajkovič Drago dr.vet.med. 031 / 654 296
Tarkuš Marko dr.vet.med. 031 / 646 924
Hohler Dejan dr.vet.med. 051 / 367 101
Ahaj Maruša dr.vet.med. 041 / 490 482
Grdja Sara dr.vet.med. 041 / 858 396